Certain situations, conversations, or interactions would be better not to continue, yet no logical or reasonable doorway appears. Creating Possibility by shifting into a new space can be accomplished if you Pull The Rug Out.
Pull The Rug Out is a Torus Technology tool for going Nonlinear or Unreasonable.
The Rug
Things are the way they are because you are the way you are, and everyone else is the way they are.
If you were different, then your Being would have a different shape. You would perceive things differently, and you could create different results without having to change the circumstances.
If your Being takes on a different shape, then the Universe must form itself around you differently then than it does now. You can change the shape of the Universe by changing the shape of your Being.
The kinds of things that 'morph' (change the shape of) your Being are:
- Authentic Commitments
- New Decisions
- Thoughtware Upgrades
- Taking A Stand (for example, taking the Stand that you already have everything that you need.)
- New Distinctions
- New Boundaries
- Conscious Shift Of Identity
- Taking Extraordinary Authority
- Serving Something Greater Than Yourself
- Legendary Legend Making
- Making A Pirate Agreement
- Making An Unreasonable Request
- Committing To Someone Else's Commitment
- Radical Reliance
- Keeping Your Promises (Integrity)
- Being Accountable
If you take responsibility for the shape of your Being as a Person Of Agency, then things as they are now could quickly shift into an entirely new condition through your creations.
Usually only Riftwalkers, Subversives, Jabberwock Slayers, Edgeworkers, or Possibilitators learn about taking Radical Responsibility for the shape of their Being. School does not teach us to take responsibility for our shape, or how to change shape. Even if you sincerely want bigger things to change, they will not until some percentage of individuals in the affected population consciously changes their shape and upsets the flow of the Universe around the Beings in that population.
But if you go ahead and become unreasonable and change the shape of your Being, even if those around you do not, you set up ripples, eddies in the currents. You become a bit of transformational chaos that perturbs the apathy of the masses. Intelligently generating ripples of transformational chaos amplifies the changes happening in the bigger systems.
That particular assembly of Memetic Constructs which you stand on - which almost everyone you know stands on - is 'the rug'.
Things are the way they are because you keep standing on your Rug.
There is a Rug each of us stands on. Where did your Rug come from? You built it.
You built your Rug out of thoughtware you adopted from others around you. You patterned your Rug according to what you decided would best provide for your survival.
You may assume that your rug is real, or solid. You may believe that you can keep standing on your rug your whole life.
The Universe has other ideas about this.
The Universe is dedicated to Evolution, specifically, the Evolution of Consciousness.
Your Being is one of the most magnificent possibilities in the Universe with regards to Evolution of Consciousness.
Do you think the Universe is going to sit around and let your Box and Gremlin, your culture, your expectations, your Survival Strategy succeed in defending you against Evolution by keeping everything the same for your whole life?
What you think you know about yourself and the world you live in is 'political dogma' sold to you by your inner political party, trying to force you to be a True Believer in 'you', the 'you' that you built as a child and are still using to survive in the world.
The Universe wants you to grow up and hatch out of the strategy of merely surviving. The Universe wants you to Live Full Out.
But there is this Rug you are standing on...
The Universe has its eyes on your 'Rug'. It has plans... And it has allies in its agenda.
The Universe does whatever it can to make kindly invitations for you to make a crack in the illusions created by your Rug, so that you can slip sideways through that crack into Evolutionary spaces.
If you do not accept and act upon the Universe's kindly invitations (such as books, workshops, certain transformational conversations, certain chance encounters with people who have rejoiced in the opportunities to Evolve) then the Universe begins to lose patience.
The Universe lives for a very long time. You do not. Time is of the essence.
If you do not intentionally and ongoingly slip sideways through the 9 Gaps and Liquid States then the force of Evolution may hit your Box with 'The Hammer': some significant accident, loss, illness, or unexpected chaos.
You know the drill.
You've seen 'The Hammer' fall upon other people's lives, perhaps also your own.
The Universe pulls the Rug out from under your 'safe' (stale) conditions. You suddenly drop into freefall.
As Pema Chodron says, "The nature of reality is groundlessness."
As the Possibilitator Handbook says, "Human beings are designed to fly."
Pull The Rug Out Experiments
Change The Timing Of Your Speaking And Interacting
Matrix Code PULLTHER.01
Absolutely Agree With Them About Their Opinion Of You
Matrix Code PULLTHER.02
Lean Sideways On A Doorway In The Space
Matrix Code PULLTHER.03
Be Very Clear About Distinguishing The Context Of The Conversation
Matrix Code PULLTHER.04
Shift The Context Of The Conversation
Matrix Code PULLTHER.05
Question The Space From A Context Of Higher Responsibility
Matrix Code PULLTHER.06
Make The Transformational Proposal That You Decide What Happens Next
Matrix Code PULLTHER.07
Question The Space From A Context Of Higher Responsibility
Matrix Code PULLTHER.08
Bow Down To Their Authority
Matrix Code PULLTHER.09
Appreciate Their Qualities Of Being
Matrix Code PULLTHER.10
Take Full Blame And Then Ask For An Emotional Healing Process About The Issue
Matrix Code PULLTHER.11
Matrix Code PULLTHER.12
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PULLTHER.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!